לוח הזמנים להשקת הספר בעוד שבוע בדיוק

נכתב בתאריך 19/4/2015 בשעה 9:10 מאת ליאור

לקראת השקת הספר שלי בארה"ב בעוד שבוע, אני אשמח להזמין אתכם לקחת חלק באירועי ההשקה.

מעל 30 הרצאות, פגישות, ראיונות ובסוף גם הוזמנתי לביקור בבית הלבן.

ברוח חכמת ההמונים, אשמח לקבל פידבק ורעיונות איך אפשר להפוך את ההשקה למעניינת יותר.

בקרוב אשתף כאן חוויות תוך כדי ההשקה 🙂

April 27 –  Philadelphia


08:30-10:00 Breakfast at the Israeli consulate with marketing and media professionals

12:00-13:00 Fox Business School, Temple University – Lecture

13:00-14:00 Fox Business School, Temple University – Lunch with faculty

16:00-16:30 Radio interview at WRDV-FM – "I Hear America Talking" by Birtan Collier 

17:30-19:00 Bloggers and journalists round table – Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy

I'm looking for someone to join me during this full-day in Phyladelphia helping taking pictures and videos. If you're interested – let me know.


April 28 – New York


06:30-06:45 Radio interview at WNPV-AM – "AM Edition" with Darryl Berger and Joe LeCompt

07:00-08:30 Train to New York

10:00-10:30 Landmark CIO Summit – Lecture at the Time Warner Center – Event Link

19:30-21:00 Book launch party hosted by IAC NY at WeWork Soho – Registration Link


April 29 – New York

08:15-10:00 Breakfast event hosted by Jeff Pulver at The Little Beet – Registration Link

12:30-14:30 American Management Association (AMA) – Lunch

14:30-16:00 American Management Association (AMA) – Video recording

Looking for hotel / airbnb / other recommendations starting April 29th until May 3rd


April 30 – New York

12:00-14:00 Columbia University – Lunch with faculty 

14:30-16:00 Columbia University – Lecture – Registration link

19:00-20:00 singleplatform.com – Lecture (Battery Park) 


May 1 – New York

13:00-14:30 Israeli Consulate Event – Lecture

I still have time for a few additional engagements in NY. Let me know if you have other ideas.


May 2 – New York

(Launching a new secret and very exciting project!)

09:00-12:00 Jeff Pulver Video Recording.

012:00-18:00 Additioanl recordings 

I'm looking for a professional film crew member for this day  


May 3 – Boston


11:00-14:00 Train to Boston (someone wants to join me on the train?)

17:30-18:30 Private meeting (Newton)

18:30-20:00 Private dinner (Newton)

20:00-21:30 Book launch party hosted by IAC Boston – Registration link


May 4 – Boston

09:00-11:00 TripAdvisor – Lecture

12:00-17:00 MIT Media Lab – tour and meetings

17:00-18:00 MIT Media Lab – Lecture hosted by MISTI

19:00-21:00 Cambridge Innovation Center – Lecture at the Boston CIC – Registration link


May 5 – Travel

12:00-16:00 Flight from Boston to SFO


May 6 – San Fransisco


10:00-11:00 AirBNB – Lecture (tentative)

12:30-13:30 Book launch event – Lecture at WeWork Golden Gate

16:30-18:00 Bloggers round-table at WeWork Golden Gate Looking for names and email addresses of tech bloggers and journalists in SF area. If you know any, please let me know


May 7 – Bay Area


(I'll be joined by Doug Abrams, Lara Love Hardin and Ori Eizen during that day)

12:30-14:00 Authors @ Google talk (Mountain View) – Lecture

16:00-17:00 LinkedIn (Mountain View) – Lecture

19:00-21:00 Book launch event at the JCC (Palo Alto) – Lecture – Registration Link


May 8 – Bay Area

Morning    Video recording with Ori Eisen

TBD           Radio interview – NPR – Tech Nation with Dr. Moira Gunn (San Fransisco)

19:00-21:00 Stanford – Lecture


May 9 – Bay Area

TBD            Another talk – tentative

21:00-22:30 Pleasanton, Chabad of the Tri-Valley – Lecture – Registration link


May 10 – Travel

08:36-16:45 Flight from SFO to Washington DC 


May 11 – Washington DC


Israeli Embbasy Event – tentative

I still have time for additional engagemnets in Washington DC. Let me know if you have any ideas.


May 12 – Washington DC

10:00-11:00 The White House (Yes, this is the grand finale)

18:39-16:20 Flight back to Tel-Aviv flag


One last thing – I'm looking for a high quality small video camera with an option to add an external microphone. If you have one to loan me for the launch tour, I'll be greatfull.